Chick Tract of the Day

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Through Trials and Temptations...Will I Trust?

Every Christian goes through trials, temptations and testings...the three T's, pretty basic. But, it should have a fourth one...Trust! Trust gets us through the worst of times and the best of times. Strong's Complete Dictionary has the Hebrew/Aramaic meanings of words and "trust", to build up or support; to foster as a parent or nurse; to render (or be) firm or faithful, to trust or believe, to be permanent or quiet; to be true or certain. Our trust in God depends on if we are willing to stand firm on Him. Isn't that all Job did was trust? What about Christ Himself...He prayed His Father's Will, He trusted? For women trust can be very touchy especially with gossiping let the issues go and let God work. Do we trust those that betray us, of course not its not likely to be best friends with a backbitter! God has never done anything to ruin our trust.
 Lately alot of things have been going on and it's extremely trying and I read the book of Job and have been listening to some daily preaching by Kenny Baldwin, "Shake It Off". This Sermon spoke volumes, every time we say Your Will Be Done or I trust you...God's going to test how far your trust goes. Job was tried and purified such as gold. It's not easy, but trust is a big thing and realizing we don't make things happen...just mess it up God fixes and mends the broken hearts and any hurt there is. Ladies "trust the Lord in all thine ways!"

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