Chick Tract of the Day

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Great Quote Pt. 2

> The secret of praying is praying in secret (Matt 6:6).

–> Believers who are not praying are playing!

–> In the matter of effective praying never have so many left so much to so few.

–> The best measure of Bible application: Does our Bible-belief govern our behavior?

–> Reach the reachable; teach the teachable.

–> Baptist is a must and Independent is enough!

–> It has been said that where there’s smoke, there’s fire…sadly though, smoke can be an indication that the fire has gone out!

–> Jesus, Others, then You = JOY!

–> A hundred years ago, preachers were saying that the world was coming to an end and the scientists were laughing at them…Now, the scientists say that the world is coming to an end, and the preachers are laughing at them.

–> If you’re average, you’re worst of the best and best of the worst!

–> The door of opportunity swings on the hinges of adversity.

–> Comparison kills contentment.

–> A faith that will not get you to church may not get you to heaven.

–> Trials will either make you bitter or better.

–> Take a stand for Christ, or you may fall for anything!

–> If serving Jesus makes it difficult to live with you, then something’s wrong with your service! ((Say AMEN right there!!!))

–> If your life pleases God, let it please you.

–> God draws straight lines with crooked sticks.

–> “Opened by Mistake” is used more for the mouth than the mail.

–> Most folks in Hell today never planned on being there.

–> Christianity is a relationship, not a ritual.

–> God doesn’t call the qualified ~ He qualifies the call.

–> If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?

–> There is no evidence in the New Testament that people in those days went to church to get saved; they went to church because they were saved!

–> If we should abide in Christ, we shall abound in Christ!

–> “The wise man built his house upon the Rock”, but notice he went through the storm also…the difference was in the Foundation, not in the storm.

–> “Dear Lord, please keep my heart tender and my hide tough”.

–> Deception is knowing that you are right when you are wrong.

–> It’s never right to do wrong, and it’s never wrong to do right.

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