Chick Tract of the Day

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lessons Learned in Job for women

Trusting God through your circumstances is something I personally falter with. As a woman, I tend to get emotional which there's nothing wrong with showing or sharing your emotion but letting it control you is another story. That is something that I have been dealing with since my preteen years. With proper training I may have had it under control, but only God knows what could or would've been. 
 Job didn't let his emotions drive his decisions, he was faithful and true to God. Without a doubt Job showed the strength it took to have a real relationship with God. Each valley doesn't mean it's made to torture you as if God's punishing you, sometimes these valleys are a time of testing to see how much you trust God and lean on Him. Again, I that problem where I want to fix all the problems now and fast, but that isn't how God works. God is on His Time and He is ALWAYS on time. 
  Romans 8:28 is a popular verse for troubles, at least for me. "All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose." Thank God for that, ladies this is a promise, not just something God's just saying to say, He means it. God is Good and though it looks like everything is falling may even be that, God is in Control and He won't give His children any more than they can bear. 
 Its important to realize a lack of faith is sin and won't get us far. It reminds me of Peter when he was walking toward Christ on the sea. He had faith, up until the time he looked down, he fell because he (Peter) lost his faith. Taking your eyes off Jesus is the worst thing to do, I'm guilty of this too and many people as well, but when you take your eyes and attention off Christ you start paying attention to the destruction and big waves and forget you are in front of your Heavenly Father that is in control of your storm and all around you. 
  God loves His children and hurts when we hurt. Will you trust or sink?

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