Chick Tract of the Day

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Being the Godly wife I am supposed to be...

My fiancee and I are in pre-marital counselling with our pastor, it's going very well and smooth. Before I became engaged and before I started courting, I would talk about how I strive to be the Proverbs 31 woman. I've heard people say it's just an idea or what a woman should be, it's not realistic. I beg to differ! I believe it is doable, all it takes is a strong walk with God and making sure the "old man" stay put off. The virtuous woman is how I want my husband to look at me and be able to look at me everyday and see a meek and quiet spirit, a trustworthy friend and a help meet that will work with him for our children. And first and foremost a great woman of faith that walks close with God.

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