Its been a while since writing. I've been collecting thoughts and trying to think of what I'd like to write about. So I figured, maybe I should write about something close to me and one of my biggest faults. It's not music, cursings, thoughts, or anything like that. Its worse, my Bible Reading. So you are probably thinking, "I didn't expect that.." But this is something I have the hardest time with. I classify this as my worst offense in my life. I fear this lack of wisdom or this awful habit will spill over into my daughter's life and I cannot bear the thought of my mistakes becoming her demise. This sounds extreme, but think about it. Without reading the Bible what happens to you? The battles of life become hard and seem to prevail against you. Sometimes your faith becomes obsolete or people begin to doubt your "religion".
Reading your Bible is important, so important that God breathed these words just so you would have the tools to defeat the enemy and have victory over sin. I think of how a fire has to be stoked and taking care of, well your soul is like that. Bear with me on this. When you get saved you are on fire and feel you can conquer Hell with a squirt gun, you have the willingness and wanting to be used of the Lord. Over the months this feeling you once had start to just flicker. Your fire is dimming, your starving for that closeness and burning you once had. Praying and going to Church is important, but how are you supposed to be touched or re-energized by God when you aren't right with Him?
My enemy that stops me is my attention span! When I go to read my Bible I am thinking about dishes, laundry, Ally's needs, Randy, and all of my responsibilities. So before I even get started my mind is clouded with life. And the cliche, "Life gets in the way" is so true. I read my Bible and have gotten zip from reading it because I was distracted. My fire is this flicker and it keeps me from being all that God wants me to be. I love serving in my Church, but when I talk to children and tell them how they should read the Bible daily, I stand there a liar and ashamed of something I can't even do. I have given a false testimony of myself.
It's a daily battle I face, Satan knows this and he rejoices on the days I may go without reading God's Word. After all God's Word is my SWORD (Eph.6:10-20) So now I am an unprepared soldier. A flickering flame that has a desire, but no commitment.
What a depressing blog! But, wait there's more. I know how to restoke this fire, start fresh! Throw some more wood on the flame and blow on it. The breathing makes the fire spread, we need God to give us the breath to pray and witness. I have to ask God to give me the strength and help to commit myself to His Will and read my Bible. My passion for the Lord should give me enough of a burning desire to read His Word and get closer to His precious side! God help us all be used and committed to you!
You hit the proverbial nail on the head with this one! I love this post, and it is so true for so many mothers, me included! Thanks for writing this - we can encourage one another!!!