Chick Tract of the Day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Tickle My Ears, Please!

 I continually laugh at the smiley "preachers" that don't preach about what God says not to, they preach solely on grace, mercy, heaven and money. They try not to preach about the dangers of sin, that God wants us to dress and live a certain way that is out of our comfort zone and they rarely preach about sin. Well, from my way of seeing things you can't know God's grace unless you've messed up and repented and God just wiping all away and feeling brand new. Did you deserve it? No. Why? Because you though saved still are a sinner, you only are saved by grace. No one deserves the grace because we still sin!
 If preacher's stop all together preaching about sin and Hell, millions and billions of people will enter into the fiery pits of Hell. How sad! It is important to realize you need to know what you are being saved from. Why get saved if you don't know what you're escaping? God is merciful, gracious, loving and everything. But, He also hates sin and doesn't like it when we do it. Without conviction, there's no repentance, without repentance there is  no confession, there is no forgiveness. See it's important that we have this knowledge that we may be soul conscience and realize what kind of preaching we need.

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