Chick Tract of the Day

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Fundamental Breakdown?

This is quite off the topic in reasoning of why I created this site, but I found something intriguing and had to say something about it. I have found that for some odd reason Independent Fundamental Baptists argue over things that the Bible clearly states. Have you noticed? It becomes ridiculous because you look around and think "hey we are supposed to be on the same page remember?". But, alot of these arguments happen because of personal prefrences, well sorry, but the Bible doesn't talk about your preferences. The Bible is about what God wants. Plain and simple.
   How often we forget that the church is the beautiful symbol of the body of Christ! We are all brothers and sisters, we are the arms and legs that serve as instruments for the cause of Christ! Whether a Christian woman wears pants or not that's her personal business with the Lord, she's accountable to Him. Just as you who are reading are accountable for what YOU do to God. Whether it be in the Scriptures or that person is manipulating the Bible to make it seem they are right, they will have to answer for it all.
   As a woman, as a Christian I realize my life isn't mine, it's Christ. We have people dying and going to Hell and we are picking with each other like 4yr olds, we should be working together to bring the lost into the fold! So next time think about the way Satan's pinning you against your brethern and work through it. But, don't get so caught up in someone's issue that you loose all thought about yours.
* I want to make this clear, there are a lot of things that I don't agree with, I believe in the complete modesty of a woman and I stand behind and try to live every thing Christ wants me to be and the commandments He has ordained. I just wanted to make this all known so that I will not be ridiculed I personally have been convicted about modesty, also if a husband wants his wife to where skirts all the time the wife is to comply with that as out of respect for her husbands trying to keep his wife covered for his enjoyment. This is done out of respect not dictatorship. Thanks

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