Chick Tract of the Day

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

God Give Us Strength

  Ladies for centuries have been known for having many attributes. These attributes may be similar to men, but women tend to be emotional and not so concerned with rationality. I will be the first one to admit I am at fault for  jumping out of my skin and just acting like a crazy woman...and you know that is the woman I hate being because it makes the stereotypes true. Do you realize that Esther was a strong woman who acted in reason? And its not just one woman that is this way in the Bible. These were strong women!
   Esther. One name and one woman. Made a massive impact and saved a whole race because of her courage that God had given her and faith. Her faith in God gave her strength, God will always give strength! I love this story and want to be godly as Esther. Her story alone exhibits all that women should obtain, here's an example:
 a. Problem: Haman had a plan to exterminate all the Jews.
     Solution: Esther fasted and prayed until God gave her strength and acted chill.
b. Problem: same as above
    Solution: Esther took what God had given her and went before the King (her husband) without being called for, *side note if a woman was not called and went before the throne the punishment was death. She lived
 c. Problem: same
     Solution: Esther used the God given abilities to control her feelings so that she could protect her people.
If in fact Esther had just blurted out and acted on her emotions...she would have jeopardized everyone.
When we fly right off the handle and get in trouble, that's no way to live! It's hard especially when you aren't feeling well and when you are in a place of depression or a form of crakiness, separate yourself from others and pray. God has all you need to get through trials, tribulations and valleys, all you have to do is ask. I believe if we acted out more rationally life would be better and life would be grander if we all just got down on our knees and asked the Lord for strength and wisdom like He gave Esther.

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