Chick Tract of the Day

Friday, July 22, 2011

Modesty and my convictions

   Convictions...a reminder of that the Holy Spirit resides in you and is constantly monitoring you! From a young child I wore pants, my mom and sister...basically my whole family. In my early teens when I had received Christ I had a battle within in me about clothes, I analyzed and couldn't find peace in what was going on in my heart and mind. After talking to my mom about my concerns she assured me nothing was wrong with the way I dressed.     
   For years this reassurance had made me feel good and at ease, until I studied about a virtuous woman, and the modesty in wearing dresses and skirts and dressing like a godly woman. ( Mind you I don't throw stones, but there should be big considerations about your spiritual life if you can be half naked and be okay with that.) Godliness is a heart matter, and what is in the heart always comes out. Anyway, these convictions I once had came flooding back and made me think. Then I gave my dilemma to Christ not my mom. My conviction has stirred some conversations and has given me respect. I don't have to show my body to feel beautiful and wearing a dress/skirt gives me that femininity that my fiancee loves and God appreciates. 
  When God speaks it is wise to listen the first time instead of the hundredth time. I still learn this in everything and I have still yet a lot to learn. I hope that I can give my kids the instruction and reproof as Solomon was able to give his son. The trick is living what you listen too which brings the verse "be ye doers and not hearers only" to mind. I try to respect my body as a "temple" and not desecrate it with scandalous clad and vanity, yet I am not perfect and sometimes I fall. Everyday there is something I've thought, said or done that God shakes His head about. So please don't take this blog wrong, I'm only giving a testament of what I've experienced.  God is Good~ Amber

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