Chick Tract of the Day

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Christian Home

So I've started a devotional series on The Christian Home and what it is to have one. All the components that go into it. The memory verse for week 1 was." Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs in the Lord." Col. 3:16. The Christian Home should be uplifting, filled with God's Word, Christian Music and the Love of Christ. The three ingredients for the Christian Home are:
     1) Peace ( Col. 3:15) The home should not be a battleground, but a refuge.
     2) Thankfulness (Col. 3:15) The home needs to be grateful for the family time and for the sweet fellowship
    3)  The Word of God (Col. 3:16) A Christian Home reads the Bible and studies it together.
 Teach your children good godly music, separate from the world; Christian rock, rap or anything that sounds like the world need not be in the home. We should be making melody in our hearts to the Lord.
 The Individuals in the Home (Col. 3:18-21)
        Wives--The word God gives for the wife is "submit". In a Christian Home, the wife is submissive to the husband's leadership.
        Husbands--God commands the husband to "love". If a husband does not love his wife then they don't have a Christian Home
      Children-- God says to "obey your parents in all things."
     Fathers-- Don't provoke your children to anger.
* Clarence Sexton's "The Christian Home"

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