Chick Tract of the Day

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Forgiveness? Me forgive you...?

A lot of things have happened in everyone's life, whether it be good or bad. God has told us through His Word that things will happen that will require you to forgive, to love, to be humbled, and put through trials and testings to conform you into the image of Christ.
The past couple of Sundays our Pastor has preached on God's grace and forgiveness. This has blessed my heart and made me look at myself and see that I have "dirty feet". God gives grace to us though we have done nothing to obtain it! How wonderful is that! God giving you and I grace. Also, God gives forgiveness no matter what you have done! And here's something else God expects you to practice it.
  In John chapter 13, Christ taught His disciples a lesson on serving others and doing to others they way He did. Christ washed the disciples feet, now let's stop there feet aren't known for smelling like roses they are known to smell like sweat and other gross smells. But, God's Son got down on His knees and washed their feet. Peter told the Lord that He wasn't or ever going to wash His feet! Christ said "If I then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet; ye also ought to wash another's feet. For I have given you an example, that ye should do as I have done to you." (John 13:14-15)
    Christ when He saved you, washed you in His blood and you will forever be in His fold. Christ was saying in this passage "the way I treated and act towards you is how you should act." Forgiveness seems so hard to do, but yet it is so simple and easy! I love that no matter what I do, Christ sees me spotless! It brings tears to my eyes realizing how great He is and how unworthy I am.of that grace and forgiveness! Though we are forgiven and have a clean body, our feet get dirty sin creeps in. But, we have the ultimate forgiveness and the best advocate ever! Jesus forgives your every sin!
     When someone sins against you or asks for your forgiveness, note that your feet aren't always clean and you need forgiveness too! Forgive that person, love that person and forget that trespass! For a Christian we are under a microscope! Every atheist, agnostic, muslim or whatever religious groups, they are watching you and I seeing if we really live by the forgiveness, mercy and grace we teach and/or preach.
So think about the 70 times 7 rule and think about all Christ has done for you, How could you not forgive for something as so small compared to how God forgives that person and all of your own "pet sins"

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